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Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

wow, Luffy just used the prediction haki like that Ball guy did

Akagami no Shanks • 2 years ago

yes, its called observation haki some people can master this haki that will let them see future for a second like katakuri and many more

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

I got to know that ages ago, but thanks for responding to me anyways. We need more comments to replace those that have been lost (I did manage to find another gogo domain where they had the old comments for a while but then after a few days they removed those as well, not sure on which server they're on now, but I won't stop searching for those old comments).
Also, many fans predict that one of the upcoming One Piece arcs will be mainly about Shanks and we'll get to know stuff about him like his backstory, how OP he is, his fighting style, etc. I do think that Oda has plans for that, and I can't wait for it to come in the anime. I don't read the One Piece manga, but if the Shanks arc comes out, I'll start reading the manga asap.

Anywho, enjoy your rewatching spree.

Akagami no Shanks • 2 years ago

yeah OG comments are gold. Anyways i doubt that the upcoming movie will be about shanks cuz his daughter was introduced and probably will focus to them and luffy doing something then theres shanks that will get a news about them. I remembered when I started reading the manga when oda said shanks is finally moving, I was like damn? Shanks finally moving? I gotta start reading the manga cuz you know shanks my fav char, but then I am here now disappointed cuz its not true but anyways I enjoyed reading it

Zora Ideale • 1 year ago

I think we'll get a Shanks arc later on, it's probably gonna be one of the upcoming arcs after Wano

pepe • 1 year ago

it was heavily speculated that they’ll go to elbaf and meet shanks after wano, doesn’t seem to be the case just yet tho

Mr Ice Wallow Come • 2 years ago

Wait.... Is that haki?

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

yeah, it's the only explanation I can think of

The original Banana • 1 year ago

Is it called the observation haki?

Zora Ideale • 1 year ago

Yeah, but at the time I wrote that comment, I couldn't quite remember the name.

The original Banana • 1 year ago

Oh i see xD, I'm still waiting for all the haki stuff to be properly introduced.

Zora Ideale • 1 year ago

you'll love it

Ben Dover • 2 years ago

you mean satori? and why would you mention him instead of enel?

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

Idk man.
On an entirely unrelated note, do you watch Pleasant Green's YouTube channel? The name Ben Dover seems really familiar (Ik it's used in many other places as well but that's where I first heard it, so I'm just wondering).

Ben Dover • 2 years ago

nope. sorry

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

nah it's ok. but you've got a cool username regardless ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ben Dover • 2 years ago


Tsukuyomi Fuji • 1 year ago

I thought you were talking about Captain Buggy you were talking about the guy from Skypiea The Ball Ordeal

BreeZy Venerable • 2 years ago

Damn… I thought luffy was about to say I’m not talking about food

brooklyn van Es • 2 years ago

he said he wanted to eat her home made dishes. he wanna eat her p*ssy XD

Ashurī Nikorū • 1 year ago

you need some help

Zoro-cwan • 2 years ago

even world greatest swordsman can't cut buggy sama

Nivita • 1 year ago

only buggy can defeat mihawk

CurrentlyFailing • 2 years ago

Wait now that Buggy has his hands on one of the transponder snails I hope he can record what the world gov is doing.

Hawk's Eye • 2 years ago

Impel Down and Marineford are the arcs that I've watched multiple times and here I am again. These are the best arcs ever. And also the Post-Marineford.

Rukkachan • 2 years ago

I really thought luffy was gonna eat hancock instead LOLS

i really thought it was heading that way😭

Grilled cheese sandwich • 2 years ago

"It's about time to eat"
"But the food storage is empty"
"I wanna eat your homemade dishes"

Nico Robin is my Waifu • 2 years ago

"i dont remember the face of every worm"

Shivank • 2 years ago

I really hope luffy can learn to master conquerers haki, cus it seems so op

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

he just used haki this episode. remember those priests in Skypaeia? they used prediction haki, and Luffy just used that against Hawk Eye, which is why he foresaw his hands getting chopped off and started punching the ice instead. plus, we already know he's got the conqueror's haki, which only 1 in a million people have. so far we know that Boa Hancock has that haki as well. so he'll eventually get the hang of it

Navinya Kadam • 2 years ago

You mean observation right.Ik you must have already finished the series.

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

Yeah. At the time i knew what haki was but didn't know what each type of haki was called.
P.S. I caught up to ep 982 at the end of August last year and I'm waiting at least until summer this year to binge the rest (hopefully Wano arc will be over by then, or at least all the fighting)

Navinya Kadam • 2 years ago

Probably will. I'm caught up to the manga but I I just rewatching since I'm bored of waiting for a new chapter 😀

Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

He's still training till this day

Ani-man • 1 year ago

I remeber at ep 415 there were 6 days left for ace execution
Now this is ep 470 meaning more than 55 ep and ace still has 2 hr left before execution tho the navy hastened it
To air 55 ep means waiting for an year
Meaning from ep 415 to ep 470 there was a gap of 1 yr. Make sense yourself

Max Tranquilo • 6 months ago

talk about slow pace.
I am watching OP for the first time, started 4 weeks ago. 16 years ago somebody already told me to go watch it. I probably going to slow down my watching time before i catch up.

Ani-man • 4 months ago

Good thing you didn't take their advice, someone said the same but I told them I would start watching again ( I dropped after 575)after gear 5 gets animated (still haven't started btw).

Ani-man • 6 months ago

Same thing, I watched upto 575 ep and dropped it for year and a half so I wouldn't have to wait for gear 5

aya • 2 years ago

Mihawk referring to luffy: it's not because of his power or skills. He seems to rally all those around him to his side. Among all people on the sea, he has the most formidable ability

YESSS I WAS SO HYPED WHEN HE SAID THIS. Like can u believe luffy formed an alliance with 3 sichibukais (altyhough the 2 are former sichibukais)??? and then here's Whitebeard not wanting him to die. THAT'S OUR BOY

Spark • 2 years ago

The so called "justice" of the shittt world government is disgusting 🤢
They are a bunch of corrupted, cowardly and retarded people
Even tho wg have good people as well, these good people turn a blind eye as if nothing happens with the way wg works

AnAverageAnimeFan • 2 years ago

"Do you remember who were are?We are people tht challenged you once"
Mihawk:do you have any idea how little that narrows it down

Mohammed Alyusuf • 2 years ago

But dang the amount of time this anime has given me goosebumbs, my god

Willtorn Bloodfell • 1 year ago

Luffy saw his hands were severed when he continue the Jet Bazooka. Is that Mantra from the Sky Island? Nice 🔥

Comical Nerd • 1 year ago

Hancock dreams are really something else
Btw it's showtime
Rumbling rumbling
No, wrong anime

L0L1C0N • 2 years ago

At last buggy became useful as shield lol

Zoro-cwan • 2 years ago

i still remember how mihawk words about luffy formidable abilities send chills to my body the first time i heard it

DEEZ • 1 year ago

Luffy's first obsevation haki

killerx98 • 1 year ago

MIhawk is the coldest character here!!

Sanr • 1 year ago

i have a feeling that when they shut off the video tapes buggys gonna use that video snail thing and like catch everything on camera and everyone will see it.... but its just a feeling.